One automotive photojournalist's musings on cars, cameras, lenses, guitars, politics, and anything I feel like writing about on any given day. Don't bother me, I'm working here!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
In with the NEW!
Just got a new(er) D300 body. Have done one photo shoot with it. The output appears to be much sharper than what I could achieve with my "old" D300. Obviously, the old one needs to visit the Nikon Service Center here in California soon!
Scroll down for photos.
Specializing in automotive and motorsports photography, writing, camera equipment, and guitars. Yes, I said "guitars"! If you haven't tried one of the "chambered" 2008 and later Gibson Les Pauls, you owe it to yourself to plug one into a Peavey XXX Super 40 and have a go at it... Sweet as butter and as cutting as sharpened steel!
I just got an XXX Super 40 and, with JJ tubes, it's stellar! Tone junkies, unite!
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